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New Trailers

We will be commissioning and requesting assisstance in making a trailer for our game at a later date. Have no doubts that we plan on making this video as compelling and professional as possible while giving you real features for the game. Please stay tuned!



Planned Video Date:  N/A

Planned Kick Starter: N/A


Video Artists



Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am back! I've been taking quite the long break, but don't be fooled! You better believe I'm dedicated to seeing this done. I've gotten some much needed time away from the project and have a few plans on doing mini-projects & maps in order to brush up my skills in order to revamp the game. The biggest advantage I have? I didn't get terribly far. The story, the characters, and the environments I plan on keeping... just mostly going to attempt at re-doing the first town and bringing more practiced mapping skills to the table.


Founder of Ruby Queen, Inc.

     Kelci Jackson

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